
A quick note about API calls and pages

When I talk about an API call or number of pages, I'm referring to actual HTTP requests to the Github or Gitlab API. Hence, when I say an API call or one page of information, I'm referring to a single HTTP request.

Create a configuration file (Optional)

In order to create a configuration file, you can run the following command. In this example we are setting the domain to It can be or any other domain that you want to use, for example your own company's domain.

gr init --domain

This will create a configuration file in your $HOME/.config/gitar/gitar.toml directory with some defaults. The configuration follows a TOML file format. Once the file is created, open the configuration file to add your API token and the optional sections.

TOML domain sections

The configuration file is divided into sections. Each section is named after the domain you are targeting. The formatting of the sections is as follows. Dots in the domain name are replaced by underscores.

[ github_com ]
api_token="<your token>"

[ gitlab_com ]
api_token="<your token>"

[ gitlab_yourcompany_com ]
api_token="<your token>"

No configuration file

Potential use cases: CI/CD pipelines, automation scripts, one-off runs.

If no configuration file is provided, then gitar expects an authentication token environment variable to be set. Check the API token section for more information.

No configuration means that there won't be any caching for read operations either.

API token

Gitar needs an API token to access the Github or Gitlab API. The token can be set by using an environment variable or by placing it in the configuration file.

Environment variable

The environment variable needs to be named after the domain you are targeting. For example, if the remote is the environment variable should be named GITLAB_API_TOKEN and if the remote is the environment variable should be named GITHUB_API_TOKEN. If you have a subdomain such as, the environment variable should be named GITLAB_YOURCOMPANY_API_TOKEN. Finally, if you are using a non FQDN domain such as mygitlab, then the environment variable should be MYGITLAB_API_TOKEN.

This can be summarized in the following table:

DomainEnvironment variable

If the environment variable is not set, then Gitar will look for the token in the configuration file as explained in the following sections.

To get an API token for Github, go to your Github account settings -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens -> Tokens (classic) At the time of writing, the URL is

Create a new token with the scopes: repo, user, project, gist. By clicking on each scope check box it will automatically select all the sub-scopes under it. Then copy the token and place it in the configuration file. You'll see a line like:

[ github_com ]

To get an API token for Gitlab, go to your Gitlab account settings -> Access tokens and create an api token. Current URl at the time of writing is Select the api scope, give it a name and an expiration date. Click on Create personal access token and copy the token over to the configuration file.

[ gitlab_com ]

Merge requests configuration section

The assignee username is the username that will be used to automatically assign a pull request to. Normally, that would be your username. Example, whenever I create a pull request to my own repository, I automatically assign it to myself. Members are the members you want to potentially assign a merge request to. For Gitlab, both members and assignee need to be formatted with a map of username and user ID. For Github, only the username is needed but the user ID can also be provided. Gitar can pull this information directly from the API:

# Retrieve number of pages required to retrieve candidates for assignee assignment
gr pj members --num-pages
# You might want to bypass throttling if num pages is just a few of them (<10)
gr pj members --from-page 1 --to-page <total-pages> --throttle 2000 --format toml | tee members.toml
# Retrieve my username metadata.
gr us get <my-username> --format toml | tee my-username.toml

The output can be pasted to the configuration file. NOTE: The user ID number can be placed in between quotes or without them.

[ github_com.merge_requests ]
preferred_assignee_username={ "username" = "<your-github-username>", "id" = <your-github-user-id> }
members = [
  { username = "user1", id = "1234" },
  { username = "user2", id = "5678" },
  { username = "user3", id = "9012" }

[ gitlab_com.merge_requests ]
preferred_assignee_username={ "username" = "<your-gitlab-username>", "id" = <your-gitlab-user-id> }
members = [
  { username = "user1", id = "1234" },
  { username = "user2", id = "5678" },
  { username = "user3", id = "9012" },

Per project merge request configurations

If you want to have different members in different projects, you can do so by adding the following section [<domain>.merge_requests.<group>_<project_name>]. Basically the path / is replaced by _. Ex. jordilin/gitar becomes jordilin_gitar. Same for subgroups: group_subgroup_projectname.


[ github_com.merge_requests.jordilin_gitar ]
members = []

This will effectively override the global configuration for the domain.

API types and their configurations

Gitar groups API calls into different types taking full control on how we want to retrieve information and how long it is going to be cached. Why is that? The reason is that as project owners or collaborators of the projects we work on, we know in advance the rate of change. Project information such as its members, don't get added or removed on a daily basis, so we can cache that information for a long time. On the other hand, the status of a pipeline, releases, merge requests change more often. The number of pages to retrieve per API can also be adjusted. Please see section caching for more information.

API types:

  • Project
  • Merge request
  • Pipeline
  • Release
  • Container registry
  • Repository tags

Maximum pages to retrieve per API type

One page equals to one HTTP request. Gitar has an internal default of 10 maximum pages that can be retrieved per API call. This takes effect on list operations in every subcommand that has listing support. This can be increased/decreased on a per API basis. This information needs to be set in the TOML section [domain.max_pages_api]. Ex. [github_com.max_pages_api].

  • project=<number> This API type is used to retrieve information about a project/repository such as its members. When opening a merge request gitar will pull up to project pages of members to find the your username to assign the pull request to. If you get an error that your username cannot be found, increase this number. Once the members have been retrieved, the list is permanently cached for next calls, so it will be fast.

  • merge_request=<number> This API type is used to retrieve information about pull/merge requests. For example, listing opened, merged, closed pull requests, etc...

  • pipeline=<number> This API type is used to retrieve information about CI/CD pipelines/actions that run in the given project. This takes place in list operations in the pp subcommand.

  • release=<number> This API type is used to retrieve information about releases in the current project, such as listing releases and its assets.

  • container_registry=<number> This API type is used to retrieve information about container registry images in the current project. This is supported in Gitlab only. This takes place in list operations in the dk subcommand.

  • repository_tags=<number> This API type is used to retrieve information about tags in a repository. This takes place when listing repository tags using the gr pj tags subcommand.

Local cache duration for each API type

Gitar has local caching support for each API type. Every HTTP response is cached and the next time the same request is made, the same response is returned until expired. The responses are stored in a local cache directory which can be configured by setting the cache location in the [<domain>] section

  • cache_location="<full-path-to-cache-directory>" The path needs to exist and be writable by the user running the gitar command.

Cache values are a number followed by a letter representing the time unit. For example 5m means 5 minutes, 5d means 5 days, 30s means 30 seconds. The units supported are s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, d for days. A cache value of 0 followed by a time unit means automatic expiration of the cache. In that case, gitar will contact the remote API doing a conditional HTTP request to check if the cache is still valid and return the cached response if it is. Otherwise, it will automatically update the cache with the new response.

Cache duration for each API type can be set in the TOML section [<domain>.cache_expirations]. Ex. [github_com.cache_expirations].

  • merge_request="<number><time-unit>" This API type is used to retrieve information about pull/merge requests. For example, listing opened, merged, closed pull requests.

  • project="<number><time-unit>" This API type is used to retrieve information about a project/repository such as its members. When opening a merge request gitar will pull up to max_pages_api_project pages information to retrieve project information and its members. Project information does not change often, so a higher cache value of a few days can be ok. Members of a project, project ID, etc... can be cached for longer time depending on the projects you work on.

  • pipeline="<number><time-unit>" This API type is used to retrieve information about CI/CD pipelines/actions that run in the given project. A low cache value is recommended for this API type as the status of pipelines change often in projects.

  • "container_registry="<number><time-unit>" This API type is used to retrieve information about container registry images in the current project. This is supported in Gitlab only. This takes place in list operations in the dk subcommand.

  • release="<number><time-unit>" This API type is used to retrieve information about releases in the current project, such as listing releases and its assets.

  • single_page="<number><time-unit>" This API type is used to retrieve information about single page calls. For example, trending repositories in A value of 1d is recommended for this API type.

  • repository_tags="<number><time-unit>" This API type is used to retrieve information about tags in a repository.

Note: Local cache can be automatically expired and refreshed by issuing the -r flag when running the gr command.

Split configuration files

If you have merge request configuration for multiple projects, multiple domains, the main configuration file gitar.toml can quickly grow in size. To avoid this, you can split the configuration file into multiple files as follows. Gitar reads the main configuration file gitar.toml and then attempts to read the following file name patterns in the same directory:

  • <domain>.toml Ex: github_com.toml, gitlab_com.toml, gitlab_yourcompany_com.toml
  • <domain>_<group>_<project>.toml Ex: github_com_jordilin_gitar.toml, gitlab_com_group_subgroup_projectname.toml

As we can observe in the examples above, the following conventions are used:

  1. Substitute . with _.
  2. Substitute / with _ for domain, group, and project names.

The total configuration is the concatenation of all the files. For example, if we have gitar.toml and github_com.toml in the same directory, then gitar will read both files and concatenate the configuration. If there are duplicate sections it will throw a TOML configuration error. Sections can be added in any of the files. For example, if you were to specify the api_token for Github in github_com.toml adding it to the gitar.toml file would be an error. If you prefer, you can also keep one configuration for each domain and remove the main gitar.toml file.