gr pp

gr pp is a command that allows you to handle pipelines from the command line.

List pipelines

To list pipelines for the current project, you can use the following command:

gr pp list

Lint pipeline configuration (.gitlab-ci.yml)

To lint the pipeline configuration file (.gitlab-ci.yml), you can use the following command:

gr pp lint

Get runners available for the project (Gitlab)

To get the runners available for the project, you can use the following command:

gr pp rn list <status>

Where <status> can be one of the following values:

  • online
  • offline
  • stale
  • never-contacted
  • all

Get the merged .gitlab-ci.yml

In the scenario where you use a Gitlab pipeline declared in .gitlab-ci.yml and the pipeline contains include statements, you can use the following command to obtain the total configuration of the pipeline:

gr pp merged-ci

This will print out to the console the total merged .gitlab-ci.yml file that includes all the contents from the included yaml files. If the pipeline has errors it will print out the errors if any.